Iowa Democratic Odds


Iowa's Democratic caucuses on Monday will happen at 1,678 precinct locations, including people's homes, public libraries and school gymnasiums. The odds of that are not very good, but the. Iowa Delegate Winner 2020 Iowa Democratic Caucus delegate winner. $3,517,271 bet so far.

Iowa Democratic Odds Against

Biden entered Iowa with the second-shortest odds at +200 while Buttigieg was fifth at +2400. 2020 New Hampshire Democratic Primary Odds Sanders and Buttigieg are clearly the hot names for now, but it’s way too early to count Biden or Warren out. Betting Odds - Democratic Presidential Nomination. Dem Delegate Count, Map Dem Popular Vote Latest 2020 Polls. Betting Odds - Democratic Presidential Nomination. While there might have been no clear winner in this week’s Iowa caucus, the Hawkeye State shook up the Democratic presidential race. A top analyst of booking trends and betting lines told Florida Daily that the odds have changed in the wake of the Iowa caucuses disaster and expects more big changes between now and November.


The Iowa Electronic Markets is a futures market run for research and teaching purposes. Traders can buy and sell real-money contracts based on their belief about the outcome of an election or other event. Using this 'wisdom of crowds,' the price of a contract at any given time is a forecast of the outcome.


2022 Congressional Election Markets

2022 U.S. Congressional Election Markets will begin trading Friday, February 26, 2019, at 11:00am CST.

2022 U.S. Congressional Control Market

This is a real-money futures market where contract payoffs will be determined by the outcomes of the 2022 U.S. Congressional elections.

Currently, there are three markets in this set:

Iowa Democratic Odds Presidential

  • Congress22 -- based on the composition of both houses of Congress
  • House22 -- based on the composition of the U.S. House of Representatives
  • Senate22 -- based the composition of the U.S. Senate

Iowa Democratic Odds By Age

US Congressional Control Market

Iowa democratic odds 2020

Iowa Democratic Odds By Team

U.S. Senate Control Market

Iowa Democratic Odds 2019

U.S. House Control Market